Zenoti QA Sandbox
Zenoti QA Sandbox
Manage & grow your business
A fabulously successful salon, spa, or barber shop does not happen by accident.
But it can happen when you know the fundamentals of a well-managed business and understand the industry’s best practices, and these courses deliver that vital information. Plus, you’ll learn what has worked for others, as we’ve integrated extensive learning based on real data from our amazing Zenoti customers and partners throughout these lessons.

Learning Tracks

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Guest Experience

A celebration of hair and fashion highlighting distinctive cuts and colours for women and men. Plus, editorial looks.

0 courses

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Customer & Revenue Growth

Whether the hair cycle is vintage, contemporary, or creative, this collection highlights timeless looks that are always stunning.

0 courses

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Social Media

Join us for a series of live webinars showcasing the Connected 21 collection, followed by a live Q&A session. Expertly hosted by TONI&GUY artistic directors.

0 courses


The importance of delivering a thoughtful and intentional guest experience just can’t be overstated. More and more, customers are seeking to do business with brands that consistently exceed their expectations on all fronts. In addition to receiving a great service, guests want to feel valued and appreciated. When they do, they become loyal clients that spread the word to their friends and family. In this category of courses, you’ll learn how the guest experience is tied to your business success, what the fundamentals of a great experience are, and how to deliver an end-to-end customer journey that is easy and convenient for your guests.


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Understanding what drives your customer and revenue growth is crucial to putting the right strategies into place. Knowing and monitoring your key business metrics will help you hit goals and benchmarks across the board, including new client acquisition, increased guest retention, strong customer loyalty, high average spend, strong sales of gift cards, memberships, and packages, a strong online presence, and effective marketing campaigns. In this category of courses, you’ll learn how every facet of your business impacts the growth of your customer base and revenue, what the best practices are for boosting those numbers, and how to sustain a successful spa, salon, or barber shop.


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Frequently asked questions

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Some placeholder content for the collapse component. This panel is hidden by default but revealed when the user activates the relevant trigger.

Some placeholder content for the collapse component. This panel is hidden by default but revealed when the user activates the relevant trigger.
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